[WHITE PAPER] The future of cloud communication in business

Posted by Kalindi Naidoo on 07 Aug 2019 11:00:00 AM

The future of cloud and 5G offers exciting new opportunities. Here’s why it’s important for your company to be poised to take advantage of this upcoming new tech.

The technology of the future such as artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, digital assistants, and the Internet of Things (IoT) need cloud services to be viable. This means the cloud industry will be at the centre of innovation in the years to come.

The enthusiasm for cloud by enterprise users is driven by the superior security, price efficiency, deep automation, and the easily scalable nature of these services. Now, cloud services are reaching a critical tipping point in that enterprise clients are now out pacing users in adoption. The technology has touched every industry, providing them with new solutions and capabilities. 

Our white paper, The Future of Cloud Communication in Business, will inform you on the trends you should be aware of in the cloud industry. You’ll be able to view each trend grouped into forecasts for ease of reference, but remember, all the trends are connected and should be viewed from a holistic perspective.   

The Future of Cloud Communication in Business will ultimately enable you to position yourself as a professional in your industry, as well as a company who takes advantage of the new opportunities to come and will shed light on:

  1. The shift of databases, applications, and workloads to cloud.
  2. How the cloud will affect human work and productivity.
  3. Why cloud will be at the core of future team collaboration and application integration.
  4. How cloud will revolutionise cyber security.
  5. The automation of customer interactions and how cloud will be at the centre of these.
  6. What 5G and cloud will bring to the market.
  7. How millennials are the drivers of cloud tech.
  8. Why you should partner with the right communications provider.

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